Thursday, October 29, 2015

Future machine..I need you

If i had this future machine that can read your mind and writes what's on it ? That machine would broke because right now my mind is just missed up , thank god I'm not a robot because i would be just receiving error messages for the rest of my life.
Like literally I tried to write two stories , I wrote five pages and I stopped,not because I don't know how to keep going on with the story (altho I'm not that good at writing long stories) but because i have to much ideas for it and I can't put them all at once.
Maybe that's why I stopped writing and publishing ones every week , thats not the only reason tho ,, i have to figure out this  hell "my exams" ,its just , i donno but its to much to handle lol :) .
Cool story .. I actually always start liking to write when exams are right in the corner (duh , i hate stuDYING and I rather to do anything than just getting stuck in my house with those bloody school evil books :)
Yeah whatever i just wanted to tell y'all that i missed being active in this blog , yea right like there are people actually care ahhaha haha ha .. I suck :)

May the devil books disappear from your lives,

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


When you feel like there is no way out 
When you feel empty inside 
When you feel like nobody is here
When you feel so small
When you feel like there is nothing you can do
When you feel like the whole world is burning .

Don't give up when you think you should 
Don't give up because at least one person cares 
Don't give up because god always with you .

We are humans, if you don't have struggles in your life then its just .. boring 
Life is a huge train and you are at the first station.. There's a whole new adventures waiting for you .
Don't forget to breathe and Continue

P.s I wasn't going to publish this but it been a long time y'all :)))))
High school sucks 

Happy thoughts,

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The beginning of everything-book review

I really don't know how this book get so much hate..

I really actually liked it and it was great , the writing was easy and beautiful , the cover is the kinggg .. I picked up this book because of his cover ( I admit it, I'm a book judger ) .

Everyone who saw me with this book asked me about it and decided to read it :) ..

Everyone hated the ending but I think it was pretty cool you know, like come one people try to except all ending..

I only hated Cassidy's point in the end of the book but if I think about it more it actually makes sense to me

And finally I recommend this book for all the young adults book lovers and i hope you like it 

Peace out,
Rawan A.

P.s. Not every high school teenagie young adults book is like the " oh they're copying john green" book

Sunday, October 4, 2015


We full the wall with inspiration qoutes , the word happiness or hope never left our wall 
So we can lie to ourselves selves and say we are happy and we find hope everywhere, the most truthful qoute on my desk wall says "happiness is not in you brain but in your hart " 
When we will stop spending days saying lies to our selves, we should start seeing the problem so we can reach the answer ..
Start cleaning your heart from all the hate , be truthfully happy so you can live longer and better.
Good days everyone ❤️

Saturday, October 3, 2015


My favorite place to go is hospital even if I'm not sick because it's the only place i feel that no one will judge me , people are busy with theirselves, the nurses are so kind and lots lots of different stories.. Hospital is the only place you can find beauty these days.. Angels everywhere, caring parents, beautiful kids.
You find hope in hospitals , people look for hope in hospitals, yeah I'm odd :) 

Ps. I don't like Bahrain's hospitals I meant European hospital, ,, Bahrain's hospitals sucks :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

His mysterious wonder

**17 December .. The day he opened his eyes 
17 December .. The day he was born 
Alex was an ordinary kid , at least that's what everyone thought , he have always thought people can see or hear what he see or hear**

-His mysterious wonder-
Coming pretty soonπŸ’™πŸ‘πŸ½

Harry Potter

Harry Potter have always been in my life , this series made my life and it have always been there for me ..
I'm thankful for j.k Rowling for creating this magic world that i can escape to every time i feel sad or bored , I loved this series that I began to believe in Hogwarts and the four houses..
For everyone who says that Harry Potter is for kids don't know anything.
There are some things and words that even adults will not fully understand them . I loved Harry Potter so much that I became friends with Harry, Ron , hermione , Neville and even dreco .. The boy who had no choice , the chosen one, the other chosen one , muddblod or the dark freaking lord .. They created my imagination and helped me scape from the real world .
I still love Harry Potter more and more everyday..
"If I turned 80 i will read the books for my grandchildren and they will say "after all this time" and i will answer " ALWAYS ""